
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

this is me

 they use boats to travel around and cars and others  like and  a bike  and
my other thing now.  and now the I  mot you need mango Leaders  and motto now stoat cucumber lemme  a chopping board bold cup spoon .  my spelling but just can  get a photo  and i am on list 6 .

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now what is 25 + 67 = 92
20 + 60 = 80
5 + 7 = 12
now Tuhituhi i an going to waiting About the UK they  are the  ones who got  NZ and cook islands and more
80 + 12  = 92

 Image result for spellingImage result for ika mataImage result for what do main transport around the IslandImage result for what do main transport around the IslandImage result for what do main transport around the Island

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

sina and the eel

Sina was Scared  Because the eel
Was  controlling and that is y sina was
Scared .

She Drinks the coconuts one a Day.